Consumers - basic rights

Tempaltes of consumers complaints
Opublikowano: 2024-04-22 18:23

Over 20 sample letters on consumer matters with explanations in Ukrainian. Tips from lawyers and experts from consumer organizations.

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I am a consumer - basic knowledge useful on the market
Opublikowano: 2024-04-22 17:21

Do you know how to make a complaint? Have you bought a product that you use after just a few months? Are you ordering a service? Are you wondering whether the purchased product complies with the contract or is it defective? Don't know when to use the warranty? Or maybe you want to know what the words "best before" mean. ….. on food packaging?

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EU Consumer Rights for Displaced Ukrainians
Opublikowano: 2024-02-06 15:51

Content Fled the war in Ukraine? Building a future in the EU? You and your family are protected by EU consumer protection law for the duration of your stay in the Union. This set of laws keeps dangerous products off the market and makes sure you are treated fairly whether you’re buying clothes online, electricity for your home or signing a mobile phone contract. We’ve teamed up with the European Commission to roll out a campaign across Poland to make sure you are aware of your rights and know how to use them.

Consumer rights protect and empower everyone.

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